Aluminium Cubes

Al : 96% min, 97% min, 98% min

Key Features:

Aluminum cubes ensure high purity, enabling consistent performance and reduced impurities in various applications.

The cubical shape provides uniform dimensions, ensuring predictable behavior across diverse applications.

Their robust nature affords resistance to wear and tear, providing sustained service over time.

Thermal Conductivity:
The excellent thermal properties of aluminum make these cubes optimal for applications necessitating quick thermal responses.

We offer our clients with an unmatched range of Aluminium Cubes. These are used in various industries to manufacture different types of products and are offered in accordance with the international quality standards. Our range is also offered in customized specifications to meet the clients’ requirements. Aluminum Cubes have become a vital component across multiple industries due to their remarkable stability, malleability, and exceptional thermal conductivity. Unlike the granular or spherical nature of aluminum shots, aluminum cubes provide a uniform, three-dimensional form that ensures consistent properties and reactions across all axes.

Manufacturing of Aluminum Cubes:

The manufacturing process of aluminum cubes involves the melting of primary or secondary aluminum, which is then poured into cube-shaped molds to solidify. This methodology allows for the production of aluminum cubes with uniform and precise dimensions. Alternatively, liquid aluminum can be injected into a mold and allowed to solidify under controlled conditions, ensuring dimensional stability and purity. Post-fabrication, the cubes might undergo processes like tumbling or polishing to achieve the desired surface finish.

Applications for Aluminum Cubes:

→ Steel industry :
It is used as Conventional Deoxidation. Like aluminum shots, aluminum cubes can be employed in the deoxidation process within steel production. Aluminum reacts with dissolved oxygen in molten steel, forming aluminum oxide which can then be removed, thereby improving the steel's characteristics, like its ductility and toughness. Precision Addition: The uniform size of aluminum cubes can offer precise control over the amount of aluminum introduced to the molten steel, ensuring consistent and controlled deoxidation.

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Storage and Handling

Aluminum cubes should be stored in a cool and dry environment, sheltered from excessive moisture and potential contaminants. Handling of aluminum cubes should involve suitable safety equipment, such as gloves and protective eyewear, to prevent potential injuries and ensure safe transportation and usage.